Testers Need
To participate, simply email Jonathan Swirsky jdswirsky@liberty.edu
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Hello, my name is Jonathan Swirsky. I am a worldview teacher and youth pastor in West Houston. I am developing my own 4-year curriculum called Worldview & You that covers Biblical Worldview, History, Literature, and Humanities. I have completed the first year of curriculum and tested it out with my own classes. I received overwhelmingly positive feedback on the curriculum.
I feel very passionately that anyone raising their child to be a follower of Jesus Christ needs to teach their children why they believe what they believe. The best way to do so is in the context of history and literature. It is not enough for your child to hold onto his or her faith. We should raise our children to be champions for Christ that will redeem every aspect of our culture, from family to cinema and everything in between.
There are a few books out there that already do this, but not in a user or parent friendly manner., and not as effectively as they should. My goal is to equip parents and co-op teachers with an excellent curriculum that they can easily step into.
In order to accomplish this goal, I need people to test out the curriculum. I know it works in my classroom, but I need to see that it can work in other classrooms or in homes.
The first year is complete and is designed for 9th grade (although any highschooler that has not yet taken world history could start with the program). I am giving away digital copies of the curriculum for free. If you want a print version, I can ship you one at cost. In return, I want feedback and suggestions. I also plan to have an answer key/teacher guide ready by the fall semester. I will be beta testing the second year of the curriculum in the 2016-17 school year and releasing it next summer as well. The plan is to release a new year of curriculum each year until all four years are completed.
The first year covers the first half of World History, all of Art History, Biblical Worldview, and Literature. The second year will cover the second half of World History, Music History, Biblical Worldview and Literature.
Please do not think you are a guinea pig if you use this curriculum. You are more like last trials before a product is released to the market. This may seem bold, but I believe this curriculum is excellent and effective already. That being said, I hope to make it even more so.
Please contact me with any questions: jdswirsky@liberty.edu. If you would like to learn more information, please visit my website: worldviewandyou.com.
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