Are you interested in trivial things?
LOL! Well if you are a homeschooling mom of a curious 8 and 10 year old boys, you probably are. My boys ask me TONS of questions about all kinds of things that make me think, "What?! Where did that come from?!!"
I have learned that I need to be a little more proactive and find 'trivial things' to stump them with. So from time to time I will poke about the inter-webs and see what is available as brain fodder for curious little minds. The below video, despite its 'click bait' title is an interesting look into copyright and encryption and the why of some laws. One of my sons loves encryption, or more precisely cryptology. And of course being a real American kid, he loves video games. So I am thinking he'll get a real kick out of this one and it will enhance a conversation he and I had about copyright and copyleft. (What? You haven't had a two hour conversation about the Mickey Mouse laws with your 8 year old?! ;-) )
I post it here for your enlightenment, enjoyment and perhaps to spark your own quest for interesting brain fodder!
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